How to Jazz Up Boxed Cake

Haven’t you always wondered how to jazz up boxed cake?

Last weekend, I was buying food for dinner and we were having some friends over (carnitas taco night) and I was thinking I needed dessert.  About the time I was having that thought I walked down the bakery aisle. I NEVER buy boxed cake mixes, it is so crazy easy to make a chocolate cake – that buying the boxed makes zero sense to me.

However, when I saw the lemon cake sitting there for $1.50 – I couldn’t say no. How easy is that?! Box mix, eggs, oil, water, cake pans, baked, done.

Well, almost done – you still need to ice the cake.

Boxed Lemon Cake - the Abode Cafe.jpeg

Icing is something that is also CRAZY easy to make. Well, it is with my kitchen aid stand mixer…

So standing in the same bakery aisle at the grocery store looking at the overpriced crap icing in a jar – I google “icing recipes.” (Surprisingly, I did not have one in my PepperPlate arsenal to use!)

My mother-in-law the weekend before was sharing with us how a friend of hers made the 7-minute frosting and it was delicious.  I had never heard of a 7-minute frosting, but when it was one of the first recipes that turned up from my search results, I knew I had found my topping!

Jazz Up Boxed Cake with 7 Minute Frosting


  • Box Cake of your choice, plus anything it calls for.

  • 1/3 cup hot water

  • 2 cups powdered sugar

  • 2 large egg whites

  • 1/2 teaspoon cream of tartar

  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract


  1. Make box cake per directions, allow to cool fully.

  2. Heat up water in a small pot on the stove, add sugar. Bring to boil for a minute or so, whisk whisk whisk. Turn heat down. Once sugar is fully dissolved, remove from heat and set aside.

  3. In a separate bowl combine egg whites, cream of tartar and salt. Using the electric mixer, beat at high speed and slowly add the warm sugared water + vanilla (I streamed it in constantly). Continue to beat at high speed until the desired consistency is met.

  4. Top cake with some lemon peel shavings – if you have a random fresh lemon in-house.


When I Don't Feel Like Starting